Our Services.

  • Dog Walking

    All dogs require regular exercise and stimulation to maintain a healthy and well balanced life. Here at Bella Walks we specialise in fun, sociable group walks. Our group walks are designed so that your dog can be thoroughly exercised safely while developing and retaining excellent social skills and manners. Numbers are always limited to ensure that each dog receives maximum fun and companionship.

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  • Home Visits

    We offer a home visits service where we will call in to check on your dog, cat or even small pets such as rabbits or guinea pigs. We will ensure food and water is provided for, litter boxes or hutches cleaned and of course spending time with your pet to make sure they are happy and healthy. If you have a puppy or a senior pet that needs extra support we can keep them company for longer and offer a quicker solo walk service.

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  • Puppy Visits


    A new addition to your family can be an exciting time, however, we understand there will be times when you are unable to be there for your puppy’s constant needs. We are available for puppy visits, where we can feed them, clean up any accidents and of course ensure time for play.

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  • Everything Else

    From pet taxis to other miscellaneous services we are here to assist you in everything your pet needs. If you need any more information about any of our services or are looking for something not listed, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see if we can accommodate your needs.

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